Michael Boughn
Michael Boughn at his reading in Barrytown, New York on June 11, 2024. Station Hill Press published his recent work, Measure’s Measure: Poetry & Knowledge.
Michael Boughn worked in the Teamsters for 10 years before returning to university to earn a PhD in 1986 after studying with poets John Clarke and Robert Creeley. He is the author of ten books of poetry, including Iterations of the Diagonal, Dislocations in Crystal, 22 Skidoo / Sub-Tractions, Great Canadian Poems for the Aged Vol. 1 Illus. Ed. and Hermetic Divagations—after H.D. Cosmographia – a post-Lucretian faux micro-epic was short listed for the Canadian Governor General’s Award for Poetry in 2011, prompting a reviewer in Toronto’s Globe and Mail to describe him as “an obscure veteran poet with a history of being overlooked.” He published a descriptive bibliography of H.D., and co-edited Robert Duncan’s The H.D. Book. His most recent book of poetry is The Book of Uncertain—A Hyperbiographical User’s Manual. From 2014-2018 he edited the online poetry disturbance known as Dispatches from the Poetry Wars with co-conspirator, Kent Johnson.