
Station Hill prefers to accept submissions via email. Once your work has been submitted the review process takes three months. If the work is accepted we will contact you within that time frame. Hard copy manuscripts will not be returned thus it is preferred to send them electronically.

What We Publish
In the past, Station Hill has published books in a wide range of disciplines, from core texts in Buddhist and Tai Chi studies to literary novels, memoirs and even a primer on the art of art buying. While open in spirit to our rich and diverse history, we currently are concentrating our attentions on contemporary poetry, both original texts and English translations, and on literary and academic non-fiction. Please note: Station Hill does not accept submissions for anthologies; nor do we publish genre fiction (mysteries, Gothic romances, Westerns, science fiction, or books for children), unless underlying such genre work is a desire to subvert its conventions.

We publish relatively few titles each year, and what we publish reflects our mission, which may be loosely codified as books that challenge and expand conceptions of human possibility. To learn what that might mean, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our books. Most independent bookstores and many libraries carry our titles, and you can also browse our online catalog.

Manuscript Submission
We prefer to see samples (20–30 pages) with outlines before reviewing entire hard-copy manuscripts. We would also encourage you to include a cover letter, briefly stating your biography, including your publishing history, and the circumstances of the submission’s composition.

Station Hill accepts electronic submissions at

Our response time for samples is about two months. The review process for full-length manuscripts can possibly take 4–6 months, or longer in some instances. Manuscripts that seem appropriate are given several careful readings, with the final decision resting with our publisher. Phone calls or letters of inquiry will not hasten the process.

Mailed submissions are discouraged, but if circumstances prevent you from emailing your submission, please follow these instructions:

Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with every mailed submission or we will be unable to respond. If you would like to know if your mailed manuscript was received, please also include a self-addressed stamped postcard so that we can reply upon receipt.


Station Hill has a small staff, traditionally augmented by interns from neighboring universities and colleges. Many of our interns and employees have gone on to substantive publishing and writing careers.
We welcome internship inquiries, and positions are filling on a rolling basis.

Opportunities include:
Author liaison
Rights & permissions
Overseas printing
Electronic books
Public relations & publicity
Office management

If you are interested in applying, please email a copy of your resume with a cover letter to We will contact you soon thereafter

In the coming year Station Hill Press will publish a monthly newsletter. You will get news about upcoming and current books, videos and events as well as book reviews and much else new and old. Station Hill never shares your contact information with anyone else.