False Documents, by Peter Lamborn Wilson (Hakim Bey), is a series of “Borgesian” and “Nabokovian” fictions, each pretending to be a “document” from various literary, commercial, or otherwise culturally-pertinent contexts. Together they comprise an exciting, mysterious and mind-alteringly funny tour de force of structural imagination: an intricate reflection on the “alchemy” of creation and dissolution for a contemporary world whose discursive forms tend to obscure as often as illumine. We as readers journey through the layers of human consciousness into the arena of mythology, religion, conspiracy, history, sexuality and folklore, where fact and fiction meet in a collision of scholarly playful texts, covering centuries of forgotten or unknown windows, opening forth into a land that drips with forbidden knowledge, where true or false disappear into the yarn. Famous for his writings in anarchist philosophy and practice (including the coining of the phrase “Temporary Autonomous Zone,” or TAZ), Peter Lamborn Wilson/Hakim Bey again illustrates that only a position outside of history can truly zero-in on its deformed heart, which he does with laughter, insight and poignant care.