Benjamin Colodzin, M.D.

This sane and practical manual by an experienced trauma therapist offers a wide variety of therapetutic methods for dealing with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder as well easy-to-understand explanations for why post-traumatic symptoms occur.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder may afflict not just war veterans but anyone who has suffered a severe physical or emotional assault. This sane and practical manual by an experienced trauma therapist offers a wide variety of therapeutic methods as well easy-to-understand explanations for why post-traumatic symptoms occurs. Dr. Colodzin’s view is that most post-traumatic symptoms were once in fact adaptive reactions to the situations in which they developed, but are no longer appropriate to a changed live situation.

The book is for individuals suffering from Post-traumatic Stress, their friends, families, and therapists. It offers techniques to help overcome its often paralyzing effects: from anxiety, depression, and rage to flashbacks, insomnia, nightmares, and substance abuse.


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