Established in 1977, Station Hill of Barrytown is an independent publisher whose mission is to challenge and expand conceptions of human possibility. Your support helps make this possible.

Under the aegis of the Institute of Publishing Arts, a 501(c)(3) organization and a registered charity in New York State, donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. We gratefully accept donations in any amount.

Make a secure Paypal donation; or write your check to the Institute for Publishing Arts and mail it to:

Station Hill of Barrytown
120 Station Hill Road
Barrytown, NY 12507

Many employers offer matching donations for not-for-profit entities, which means a doubling down: We encourage you to inquire! For any question, please contact us at; or by phone at 845-758-5293.

Our Supporters
Individual gifts represent a crucial Station Hill resource, and to all those who have helped Station Hill flourish we extend our deepest gratitude.

Sustaining Donors
Gary Hill
Michael Ruby

Chris Tysh

​Thomas Blackwell
Eleanor (Nor) Hall

John Holl

Steve Katz

Raquel Rabinowitz

Joanne Tolkoff

Charles North
Eleni Stecopoulos